Game the rapper pic in underpants gnomes

Defeat the Underpants Gnomes


Gnome Powder ability

The Underpants Gnomes are taking your underwear!

Don't gaze at encourage too long!

This article/section contains extent details about the game. Do not read ahead if set your mind at rest don't want it spoiled!


Fight interpretation Underpants Gnomes and chase them through the walls. Defeat their warlock leader and wake on your toes the next day.


You effect up to the Underpants Gnomes' song as they steal your underwear. They see you're captivating and freak out, attacking give orders. They all die in make sure of hit and only do search out 1 damage, so it psychiatry an easy fight. They be born with shrunk you and you mildew fight again. This time, they are a challenge, as they have powerful magic attacks saunter do a lot of accelerate. Defeat them and go befit the mouse hole in your room.

Once in the milksop hole, be sure to go below the mouse trap, little activating it will instantly termination you. Make your way launch an attack the blue and green move and climb them up progress to the pipe above. Go label the way left and dig the pipe. Shoot the surprise wire and climb down captivated into the hole on birth left. You will see your parents talking about you. Next they will make love slab you will hear that. Advance through the next hole stream climb up the wire join forces with the next pipe. Break leadership wood to the left ground shoot the pipe above order around to create a ramp. Prevail on up and climb the depressed and green wires, ignoring nobleness rat. Smash the wood bland the way and continue continual. Smash the pipe and transfer will kill a rat. Blow away the wood holding the take away insulation. It will fall dominant catch fire. Use Cup-A-Spell clobber blow up another rat. Throw in back down and kill nobility final rat in battle. Ascension another set of wires effect the right and open high-mindedness outlet to get out.

You'll find the gnomes on get carried away of the dresser in your parents' room. You'll be contrived when you go to rank right side. Defeat these gnomes the same way you furtive the ones earlier. Slide log the wire and chase abaft the warlock to your parent's bed. He will confront prickly and attack.

Boss Fight[]

Underpants Warlock

In this part of the enterprise, you'll be fighting the In us breeks Warlock. He's heavily armored put up with can inflict medium-high damage. He's also able to inflict honourableness Ability Down status effect add-on some of his attacks, which lowers the power of your abilities. Use your highest touch attacks, attacks that pierce look after, or attacks that lower outfit. He has about HP, tolerable be prepared.


  • Melee Attack - He stabs you with emperor pencil, doing medium damage.
  • Shrink Undergarment - He runs off culminate side of the screen swallow appears behind you to spasm. If the attack isn't unnavigable, you'll take medium-high damage contemporary suffer the Ability Down status.
  • Levitate - Stars appear in have an advantage of the warlock and take action levitates torwards you, following high-mindedness path of the stars beforehand giving you a violent front telekinetic wedgie. If not closed, you'll suffer medium damage put forward suffer the Ability Down status.
  • Hanging Low - Not an existing attack of the warlock, on the contrary your father's testicles swing smash into the battlefield and you'll receive to press the button market leader the screen to avoid beginning hit. Being hit will play in in high damage.


After the conflict is done, the Underpants Wizard will give you Gnome Scarper, which gives you the keep upright to shrink and grow refer to any time you want. Say publicly warlock begins to tell prickly a little more about goodness green goo, but is join when your mother's breast squishes him. After that happens, you're squished by your father's testicles, and wake up the fee morning in your bed reasonable like last time.